How do you want to develop yourself as a professional?
On Monday, the 25th of July- this is what we will brainstorm. We will discuss where you want to be, what you want to learn, what skills you want to acquire, and perhaps those things can be done at Golden Gavel Advanced Toastmasters.
Yoke van Dam will be facilitating a workshop to help you uncover where you can grow and how the club can help you reach some of those goals. We will send the worksheet to you before the meeting for you to start thinking about it!
18h30 for 19h00 Accenture, Harrowdene Office Park, Western Services Road, Woodmead Cost R50 (incl light supper) RSVP:
Speaker: Yoke Van Dam A qualified Neuro-linguistic practitioner that often facilitates workshops when coaching and training teams at Auto Trader.
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