Life, Love, Lyrics – 25th Feb 2019 Meeting.

The 25th Feb 2019 meeting was a great success. Elaine, our VPE, opened the meeting and introduced the theme, Life, Love and Lyrics. The theme was carried throughout the entire evening very well. Each role player was matched to a song and some lyrics, of Elaine’s choosing, and I must admit that some of us had a trip down nostalgia lane…

Juel Delivered a humorous speech that was both naughty and nice, this was followed by Gary delivering a sales 101 course, which was very well delivered and highly educational. Judith supplied us with a much-needed reality check on the current state of the environment (its not good) and Lucinda, a visiting toastmaster, asked us to look in the mirror and decide if we are a kitten or a Lion.

Tabletopics followed the refreshment break where Leon, a Visiting toastmaster, recited a poem as an introduction to the session and the impromptu speakers; Juel, Tim, Erik and Stanley, had to do the almost impossible and make sense of song lyrics. The session was excellent and followed by the reports.

Our Area Director, Rick, held a mini hall of fame to recognise some of the achievements of some club members on behalf of the Division and District. Erik was welcomed back to the fold from his travels overseas, Yianna was awarded two ribbons in recognition of a CL and Leadership Excellence awards. Elaine was Honoured for her ALS and DTM awards, Maleisemane and Mutali for their Pathways Level 1 awards and yours truly for some of my pathways awards.

Our thanks go out to Wesley and Woodlands Toastmasters for hosting us in such a great and professional location and to the organisers of the meeting for a fantastic evening.

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