Greetings Everyone, our meeting on the 26th of February was fantastic. Our Guest speaker, Thandwefika Tshabalala, Division L director, who gave us a very powerful lesson in bringing emotion into a speech and using it effectively to make a point or inspire action. As a special treat, our very own President recognised a very special member of Golden Gavel who has been a member of the club for 22 years! That is Distinguished Toastmaster Tim Knights, who is a Past district governor and currently serving the district as the TLI team leader. Tim was awarded a 6 pack of his preferred beverage of choice and our VPM, Elaine created a well decorated cup cake surprise to celebrate the event. The start of our evening was highlighted by the fiery sky as the sun set, and Jarrod, who completed a story telling assignment and fulfilled the role of table topics master, ended the evening’s speeches with an interesting way of handling table topics, he regaled us with the story of Victor Hugo and the struggles he faced in writing The hunchback of Notre Dame. Each of our volunteer speakers had to play the part of a key figure that helped make this great work happen. Thank you to everyone for a wonderful evening, see you at the next one.
Fantastic meeting on the 26th Feb with Special guest speaker Thandwefika.
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